A Look Inside The Love Approach Ultrasound Clinical

Lisa Bourne and Christa Brown sit down with a student at our recent Love Approach Ultrasound Clinical to give us insight into this hands-on training. Find out how The Love Approach can be effectively used in the ultrasound setting, and how attending the Clinical not only gives you technical experience, but also teaches students to deal with the spiritual warfare that we see on the pro-life battlefield.

Training Resources:

Biblical Truths About Adoption – Brad Imler

Beth Diemert and Brad Imler discuss what the Bible has to say about adoption, and how we can use that truth to change the conversation surrounding adoption in our culture. Listen in to find out where you might have your own adoption bias, and how you can empower women facing an unplanned pregnancy to understand all of her options more clearly.



  •  Adoption dates back to the Old Testament. God chose adoption as the means to rescue Moses.
  • For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. Ephesians 1:4-5
  • We all approach adoption with some sort of bias, and it’s important to recognize what your bias is.
  • Adoption needs to be talked about often in the work of the pregnancy help organization, as well as in staff training settings.
  • The post-Roe world has changed the adoption conversation
  • Having a conversation about adoption with a client can empower her to look into all of her options instead of focusing only on parenting or abortion. It opens up new opportunities for her.


Sponsored by Heartbeat International’s Annual Conference

Why Unity Matters for Pregnancy Help

Join Andrea Trudden, VP of Communications & Marketing, Tracie Shellhouse, VP of Ministry Services, and Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International as they discuss how the pregnancy help movement celebrates diversity while staying united in our mission to save lives and make abortion unthinkable. They also announce this year’s Annual Conference theme, and why it is important for the movement in light of today’s culture.

Click here to find out more about our Annual Conference and register today!

Conference 2024

Reaching Your Year-End Fundraising Goals – Haley Limo

Haley Limo joins Beth Diemert to discuss how to make the most out of the time that we have left in 2023 to meet your year-end fundraising goals. Plus, Haley shares advice on how to start your fundraising strong in the new year!

Contact Haley Limo at haley@lotphilanthropy.com

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  • Diversify your streams of income so that you can compensate if one stream doesn’t bring in as much as you hoped
  • National trends in giving show that this was a challenging year for non-profits
  • Plan to make most of your asks before Thanksgiving
  • Reach out to a few of your lapsed major gifts donors at the end of the year
  • Make your ask specific. Ask for support for a particular need that must be met in the next year.
  • Start a “story box” to collect client stories that can be used to share your impact with donors.
  • Election years can present opportunities to boost your support from donors.
  • Keep connecting with donors on a personal level. Relationship is important both with clients and supporters.

Sponsored by: Heartbeat Academy

Prenatal Diagnosis Part 1 – Informed Consent

Petra Wallenmeyer guides this discussion with Gary Thome, Heartbeat International Board Member and DiAnn Ecret, PhD, Healthcare Ethics, to shed light on the lack of informed consent given to parents facing a prenatal diagnosis. A prenatal diagnosis can mean that parents who were not previously considering abortion are now abortion-vunerable due to the way that information is presented to them by healthcare providers. Oftentimes, the difference in a screening test vs a diagnostic test is not clarified, and abortion is strongly suggested as opposed to alternatives such as carrying to term and exploring treatment options. Pregnancy help organizations can equip themselves to be ready to serve parents with resources to support them during a difficult time.


Sponsored by: Option Line

Building a Dynamic Board

Beth Diemert and Sara Dominguez discuss how Board Members and the Executive Director can grow in their roles in order to set the tone for a healthy, well run, truly life-affirming organization. Listen in to discover techniques and practical tools to build your pregnancy center’s core governance of vision and mission, planning and implementation, and Board function and development.

Seeking True LOVE: Finding Disaster!

The hookup culture is so destructive to building strong male-female relationships. A large majority of females detest it but are pressured into participating because they think everyone else is doing it. You can help her unhook from hookup culture and find real love as Scripture, science, and the test of time proves females hold the key. Join Dr. Joe Malone, Sexual Integrity Scientist, as he talks with Beth Diemert and reveals why the power to find what she is looking for rests in her on Valentines (and every other) day!

Sponsored by Heartbeat International’s Online Academy

Unplanned Grandparenting

Tammy Daughtry, founder of CoParenting International, joins Christine Grimmett to share how her own family of origin story has inspired her to reach out to parents who are facing unplanned grandparenting. There are many fears that your client faces, especially when it comes to telling her own parents about her pregnancy. Tammy talks about the ways your ministry can work to strengthen those family relationships and help each parent and grandparent look to the future with hope, recognizing the gift of each life.

Coparenting International – www.coparentinginternational.com
Click here for Tammy’s webinar

Sponsor: Heartbeat Academy

Tools to Reach More Clients with a Message of Sexual Integrity

Beth Diemert introduces us to Dr. Joe Malone and Lori Kuykendall, who are experts in the field of sexual integrity and sexual wellness. In this episode, you’ll hear about the science behind relationship bonding, and how we can use this truth to help clients understand God’s plan for relationships and marriage. We also have some exciting news about how you can learn directly from Dr. Joe and Lori this fall!

Click here to register for Lori Kukendall’s course
Click here to register for Dr. Joe Malone’s course

Sponsor: Heartbeat Academy Continue reading

Arise Daughter – Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

Sylvia Blakely, RN, MS joins Beth Diemert in this episode as we highlight Abortion Recovery Awareness Month. Through her ministry at www.AriseDaughter.org, Sylvia meets men and women where they are and walks alongside them on a path to healing. Beth and Sylvia also discuss how we can best serve women who are facing the trauma and regret of chemical abortion.