Standing Strong Against Attacks – Dr. Dermot Kearney

Lisa Bourne interviews Dr. Dermot Kearney from the United Kingdom about the challenges he faced when the General Medical Council temporarily suspended his ability to provide the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol to women. Hear how he responded, what led to the case against him being dropped, and how he continues to bravely champion life through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

Pregnancy Help News Articles:

Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 4

Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor, Lisa Bourne, brings us updates on the two lawsuits that involve Heartbeat International regarding Abortion Pill Reversal. Heartbeat International also recently visited with congressional staff at the recent “Babies Go to Congress” event in Washington D.C. Clients who were served at pregnancy help organizations came to the event to share their stories, bringing their children to prove just how impactful the pro-life pregnancy help movement is. Lastly, Lisa highlights the updated Pregnancy Center Report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, showing an increase in services provided through pregnancy help organizations as well as a 97.4% satisfaction rate from clients.

Visit to read full articles.

Coffee with Kirk – Vulnerability Opens Doors

The Samaritan Woman — one of Kirk’s favorites who will be a “regular” on the show — won people over not by her wisdom, not by her knowledge, and not even by who she met (Jesus). John points out that her connection to her people took place because she was willing to be vulnerable. How can we do the same with our clients so that we effectively connect with them as they face what may be the most difficult situation of their lives?

Contact Kirk at
Click here for Kirk’s Substack

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Meeting the Need: Life Choices Zimbabwe

Heartbeat’s International Program Specialist, Ellen Foell interviews Susan Masuka from Life Choices Zimbabwe at our recent Annual Conference to talk about her experience in starting a pregnancy help organization just two years ago to meet the needs of the young women in her area who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. While abortion is currently illegal in Zimbabwe (with exceptions), there is a great need for support for young mothers, especially as teen pregnancy rates are on the rise. Susan’s passion for reaching the youth with a message of sexual integrity has already had a great impact, and Life Choices continues to grow in support and services.

Concierge Consultation to Advance Your Mission

Connie Coleman joins Beth Diemert and Sara Dominguez to explore this new benefit for Heartbeat affiliates to tap into consultation services. Connie comes from a pregnancy help background and knows how to help you get to the next level with your pregnancy help organization! These concierge consultations are tailored to your center’s needs to make sure your organization continues to advance your mission and vision.


Coffee with Kirk – Encourage

Introducing a new series with Heartbeat’s longtime friend, Kirk Walden! Join Kirk in this first episode as he explores the idea of encouragement as the antidote to “hardened heart syndrome”, and what this looks like in real-life situations in the pregnancy help movement.

Contact Kirk at
Click here for Kirk’s Substack

Subscribe to the Pregnancy Help Podcast for more episodes!

Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 3

Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor, Lisa Bourne, brings us the latest updates on lawsuits concerning Abortion Pill Reversal in California and New York. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network continues to stand ready to serve women who are seeking to reverse the effects of chemical abortion in an effort to save their babies. Lisa also recaps Heartbeat International’s recent Annual Conference and discusses next year’s theme and location.

Click here for workshop/keynote recordings from Heartbeat’s Annual Conference

Visit to read full articles.

A Look Inside The Love Approach Ultrasound Clinical

Lisa Bourne and Christa Brown sit down with a student at our recent Love Approach Ultrasound Clinical to give us insight into this hands-on training. Find out how The Love Approach can be effectively used in the ultrasound setting, and how attending the Clinical not only gives you technical experience, but also teaches students to deal with the spiritual warfare that we see on the pro-life battlefield.

Training Resources:

Maximizing Your Impact with Elected Officials – Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler joins Leanna Baumer and Beth Diemert to discuss ways to gain positive support from public servants (even those who are not pro-life). Congresswoman Hartzler has a heart for pregnancy help and continues to champion life in the state of Missouri. In this ever-changing political climate, it’s more important than ever for us to stand united for life!


Housing Undocumented Women: When, Why, and How

Valerie Harkins is joined by Faith Cintron from Aid for Women (Chicago, IL) to discuss how to best serve undocumented women in the maternity home setting. Faith draws from her experience to answer Valerie’s “frequently asked questions” surrounding this topic.

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  • Undocumented residents may come from all over the world. Maternity home staff should be prepared to be understanding of different cultures and traditions.
  • It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processes and build a strong relationship with agents so that residents can obtain the correct paperwork as asylum seekers.
  • Connect with area churches that serve the same culture as your resident to help them feel more comfortable.
  • Government assistance may not be available to undocumented women; check your state laws.
  • Maternity homes can help women stay on top of court appointments and paperwork so that they can legally stay in your home.
  • Ask lots of questions! Be ready and willing to learn.