Coffee with Kirk – Vulnerability Opens Doors

The Samaritan Woman — one of Kirk’s favorites who will be a “regular” on the show — won people over not by her wisdom, not by her knowledge, and not even by who she met (Jesus). John points out that her connection to her people took place because she was willing to be vulnerable. How can we do the same with our clients so that we effectively connect with them as they face what may be the most difficult situation of their lives?

Contact Kirk at
Click here for Kirk’s Substack

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Coffee with Kirk – Encourage

Introducing a new series with Heartbeat’s longtime friend, Kirk Walden! Join Kirk in this first episode as he explores the idea of encouragement as the antidote to “hardened heart syndrome”, and what this looks like in real-life situations in the pregnancy help movement.

Contact Kirk at
Click here for Kirk’s Substack

Subscribe to the Pregnancy Help Podcast for more episodes!

Potato Salad – Tracie Shellhouse

Each person in the pro-life movement has unique gifts, and each walks out their calling in a different way. In this episode, Tracie Shellhouse takes us through a message of unity based on 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 and potatoes.

Sponsored by: Heartbeat Academy
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Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Fearless

Heartbeat’s Vice President of Mission Advancement, Cindi Boston-Bilotta, gave this devotional at our 2017 Annual Conference on Joshua 1:9 about spiritual strength and boldness when facing attacks. Find out how God worked in Cindi’s life as she led her team to expanding their services and helping more women. God works miracles when faith is bigger than our fears!

Sponsored by Heartbeat’s Annual Conference
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