Standing Strong Against Attacks – Dr. Dermot Kearney

Lisa Bourne interviews Dr. Dermot Kearney from the United Kingdom about the challenges he faced when the General Medical Council temporarily suspended his ability to provide the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol to women. Hear how he responded, what led to the case against him being dropped, and how he continues to bravely champion life through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

Pregnancy Help News Articles:

Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 4

Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor, Lisa Bourne, brings us updates on the two lawsuits that involve Heartbeat International regarding Abortion Pill Reversal. Heartbeat International also recently visited with congressional staff at the recent “Babies Go to Congress” event in Washington D.C. Clients who were served at pregnancy help organizations came to the event to share their stories, bringing their children to prove just how impactful the pro-life pregnancy help movement is. Lastly, Lisa highlights the updated Pregnancy Center Report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, showing an increase in services provided through pregnancy help organizations as well as a 97.4% satisfaction rate from clients.

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Abortion Myths Debunked

Is abortion really 14x safer than childbirth? Are women experiencing miscarriage being denied care now that Roe is gone? Pro-Life Dr. Brent Boles, Medical Director of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network and Andrea Trudden, VP of Communications & Marketing debunk the top myths going around regarding pregnancy, miscarriage, and abortion.

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