More Than One Choice – Dr. Laura Lewis

Ellen Foell, International Program Specialist at Heartbeat International interviews Dr. Laura Lewis, Executive Director of Pregnancy Care Canada to dive into her journey to the pro-life movement after years of practicing family medicine.

Dr. Lewis shares her insight into how the medical system in Canada had influenced her prior to her pro-life activism, and how a connection with God helped her realize the value of every unborn life. Now as the Executive Director for Pregnancy Care Canada, an association of 80 centers across Canada, she helps to train, equip, and support other pregnancy center leaders and encourages unity in the pro-life movement.



  • Laura’s book can be found at and find it here on Amazon
  • Download free booklets from Pregnancy Care Canada here

    Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Standing Strong Against Attacks – Dr. Dermot Kearney

Lisa Bourne interviews Dr. Dermot Kearney from the United Kingdom about the challenges he faced when the General Medical Council temporarily suspended his ability to provide the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol to women. Hear how he responded, what led to the case against him being dropped, and how he continues to bravely champion life through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

Pregnancy Help News Articles:

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

The Impact of Trauma on Women’s Sexual Wellness

Originally published on The Dr. Joe Show, this episode features Dr. Joe Malone and Valerie Harkins as they discuss the implications of trauma in regards to women’s sexual health and wellness. With an expertise in maternity housing, Valerie sheds light on how the wraparound care that maternity homes provide can help women to recognize that they have the option to raise their own children in an environment that is different than how they were raised, breaking the cycle of abuse and creating healthy attachments in future relationships.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 4

Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor, Lisa Bourne, brings us updates on the two lawsuits that involve Heartbeat International regarding Abortion Pill Reversal. Heartbeat International also recently visited with congressional staff at the recent “Babies Go to Congress” event in Washington D.C. Clients who were served at pregnancy help organizations came to the event to share their stories, bringing their children to prove just how impactful the pro-life pregnancy help movement is. Lastly, Lisa highlights the updated Pregnancy Center Report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, showing an increase in services provided through pregnancy help organizations as well as a 97.4% satisfaction rate from clients.

Visit to read full articles.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Coffee with Kirk – Vulnerability Opens Doors

The Samaritan Woman — one of Kirk’s favorites who will be a “regular” on the show — won people over not by her wisdom, not by her knowledge, and not even by who she met (Jesus). John points out that her connection to her people took place because she was willing to be vulnerable. How can we do the same with our clients so that we effectively connect with them as they face what may be the most difficult situation of their lives?

Contact Kirk at
Click here for Kirk’s Substack

Subscribe to the Pregnancy Help Podcast for more episodes!

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Meeting the Need: Life Choices Zimbabwe

Heartbeat’s International Program Specialist, Ellen Foell interviews Susan Masuka from Life Choices Zimbabwe at our recent Annual Conference to talk about her experience in starting a pregnancy help organization just two years ago to meet the needs of the young women in her area who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. While abortion is currently illegal in Zimbabwe (with exceptions), there is a great need for support for young mothers, especially as teen pregnancy rates are on the rise. Susan’s passion for reaching the youth with a message of sexual integrity has already had a great impact, and Life Choices continues to grow in support and services.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Concierge Consultation to Advance Your Mission

Connie Coleman joins Beth Diemert and Sara Dominguez to explore this new benefit for Heartbeat affiliates to tap into consultation services. Connie comes from a pregnancy help background and knows how to help you get to the next level with your pregnancy help organization! These concierge consultations are tailored to your center’s needs to make sure your organization continues to advance your mission and vision.


Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Maximizing Your Impact with Elected Officials – Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler joins Leanna Baumer and Beth Diemert to discuss ways to gain positive support from public servants (even those who are not pro-life). Congresswoman Hartzler has a heart for pregnancy help and continues to champion life in the state of Missouri. In this ever-changing political climate, it’s more important than ever for us to stand united for life!


Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Connecting with Churches Year-Round – Embrace Grace

Tracie Shellhouse, VP of Ministry Services at Heartbeat International and Amy Ford, President of Embrace Grace talk about staying connected to churches year-round. Find out what pregnancy help organizations have to offer churches, and how that continuous partnership can best serve women.

Embrace Grace has support groups in churches across the nation to serve women facing unexpected pregnancies. They equip churches with the curriculum to serve women and create strong families with a connection to the church.


Sponsored by: Heartbeat International’s Annual Conference – Click Here for More Info!


  • A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy may feel hesitant to connect with a church for fear of judgement.
  • Pregnancy centers can approach churches with something to offer rather than just asking for help financially, volunteers, etc.
  • Churches and centers can co-host events to serve women.
  • Pregnancy centers have a unique opportunity to invite women to local churches for continuing support and spiritual growth.
  • Making that initial connection with pastors could be as simple as bringing in lunch for a presentation to church staff or a short cookie reception to introduce the center and what you do.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Tackling the Turnaway Study – Monica Snyder

Monica Snyder, Executive Director of Secular Pro-Life joins Jor-El Godsey to explain what the Turnaway Study is, and what the findings actually reveal. This study gathered data on women who sought an abortion but were denied, and how these women felt about abortion over time.


Read “The Overlooked Findings of The Turnaway Study”


  • Abortion advocates have been using this study to promote abortion as a better option for women (citing questions asked about finances, bonding with baby, etc), but their claims are not fully supported by the data in the study.
  • The Turnaway Study revealed that 96% of women who were denied an abortion and later gave birth later said that they no longer wished they had sought abortion. The overwhelming majority of women bonded to their children just fine.


Sponsored by: Heartbeat Academy

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.