Same, But Different – Voice for Life (Bosnia)

Ellen Foell spoke with Anja Mirosavljev from Voice for Life in Bosnia at our Annual Conference about the way that her organization reaches women facing unexpected pregnancies. Many organizations are doing similar work, but different at the same time depending on their culture or the needs of the community. Abortion is easily accessible (and free) in Bosnia, and is often used as a form of contraception, so the need for pregnancy help is great. Voice for Life has been serving women since 2017.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Dobbs One Year Later

Jor-El Godsey, Tracie Shellhouse, Andrea Trudden, and Danielle White reflect on the first year post-Roe. We’ve seen an increase in media interest, attacks on pro-lifers, state legislative battles, and more, and pregnancy help is more important than ever. Listen as the Heartbeat team discusses what has happened and what to expect in the year ahead.
  • Pregnancy Help NewsSponsor: Pregnancy Help Institute

    Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Media and Maternity Homes

Maternity Housing Specialist, Valerie Harkins talks with VP of Communications & Marketing, Andrea Trudden about the media’s increased interest in maternity homes over the past year. Andrea provides guidance on how to respond to attacks and how to effectively communicate with your supporters.


Sponsor: Pregnancy Help Institute

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Compassion – Kirk and Jenn Walden

Tracie Shellhouse talks with Kirk and Jenn Walden about the crucial role of compassion in pro-life work. Whether it’s engaging with clients or gaining the support of your community, compassion and vulnerability are powerful tools that help us relate to people in the way that Jesus showed us to do, even when tackling divisive issues.


Click here for information on Pregnancy Help Institute! Join us July 24-28 in Columbus, OH!
Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Geneva Consensus Declaration – The Institute for Women’s Health

Valerie Huber (The Institute for Women’s Health) explains how women’s health worldwide often takes a backseat to the abortion agenda, causing millions to suffer from preventable diseases and conditions. The Geneva Consensus Declaration has been signed by 36 countries as a statement of commitment to prioritize women’s health and strengthen families while reaffirming that there is no international right to abortion. Listen in to learn what you can do as an individual and as an organization to support and grow the members of the GCD.


  • Email The Institute at
  • The Institute for Women’s Health –
  • Friends of the GCD – TheGCD.World

This episode is sponsored by: The Abortion Pill Rescue Network

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Maternal Mortality Rates and Abortion – Dr. Calum Miller

Dr. Calum Miller (speaker at our recent Annual Conference) talks with Petra Wallenmeyer about how maternal mortality rates are calculated and what these numbers mean in relation to a country’s laws on abortion. We often hear the argument that maternal deaths will increase if abortion laws are more restrictive, but is that really the case? Dr. Miller gives us the pro-life response to that argument, and helps us understand what is needed to help mothers thrive.

-Keynote: Dr. Calum Miller
-Workshop: The Truth About Backstreet Abortions

Click here for information on Pregnancy Help Institute! Join us July 24-28 in Columbus, OH!

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Breakthrough to Healing: The Remnant Generation

Annabelle Nakabiri joined Ellen Foell during our recent Annual Conference to talk about how stepping away from her home in Uganda allowed her to experience Breakthrough that week by letting the Holy Spirit guide her to new ways of healing. Annabelle serves as the Executive Director of The Remnant Generation and helps women to break the cycle of sexual abuse and child marriage, allowing God to bring healing and restoration.

Click here to purchase recorded conference workshops and keynotes:

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

National Nurses Week

We’re celebrating National Nurses Week! Ashley Vance, Healthcare Team Manager at Heartbeat International, shares her tips on staying connected as a team and keeping the right perspective when serving women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Working or volunteering with a Pregnancy Help Organization but not receiving our emails? Contact to get on that list.

Visit for this week’s Academy deals

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Championing Pregnancy Help – KY Attorney General Daniel Cameron

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron joins us in this episode along with Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor Lisa Bourne, as we delve into what he and his team have been working on in support of pregnancy centers to defend them from misrepresentation, and to provide more opportunities for service.

Stay tuned for more content from our conference!

Sponsored by: Pregnancy Help News

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

An Uncompromising Defense of Life

Jor-El Godsey is joined by Dr. David Forbes, who talks about his pro-life convictions as a pastor and how to “fight” for the unborn as a Christian. He tackles some of the difficult issues that come up when debating abortion, while keeping in mind the compassion needed when talking to both women in difficult unplanned pregnancies and those who are post-abortive.

You can still register for our Virtual Conference here! –

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.