Maximizing Your Impact with Elected Officials – Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler joins Leanna Baumer and Beth Diemert to discuss ways to gain positive support from public servants (even those who are not pro-life). Congresswoman Hartzler has a heart for pregnancy help and continues to champion life in the state of Missouri. In this ever-changing political climate, it’s more important than ever for us to stand united for life!


Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 2

Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor, Lisa Bourne, shares Abortion Pill Reversal stories, discusses the efficacy of the APR protocol, and highlights recent court cases, Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report, and Heartbeat International’s 53rd Annual Pregnancy Help Conference.

Visit to read full articles.

Click here to order recordings from Heartbeat’s Annual Conference

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Housing Undocumented Women: When, Why, and How

Valerie Harkins is joined by Faith Cintron from Aid for Women (Chicago, IL) to discuss how to best serve undocumented women in the maternity home setting. Faith draws from her experience to answer Valerie’s “frequently asked questions” surrounding this topic.

Sponsored by: Heart & Home E-Newsletter


  • Undocumented residents may come from all over the world. Maternity home staff should be prepared to be understanding of different cultures and traditions.
  • It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processes and build a strong relationship with agents so that residents can obtain the correct paperwork as asylum seekers.
  • Connect with area churches that serve the same culture as your resident to help them feel more comfortable.
  • Government assistance may not be available to undocumented women; check your state laws.
  • Maternity homes can help women stay on top of court appointments and paperwork so that they can legally stay in your home.
  • Ask lots of questions! Be ready and willing to learn.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Hope: The Journey of sharing Jesus in Maternity Homes

Valerie Harkins, Director of the Maternity Housing Coalition interviews Allie Reuscher, Director of The Nesting Place Maternity Home about her experiences that led her to starting a maternity home, and what she has learned along the way. They discuss challenges that come with opening a new home and when/how to share the Gospel.

Email Valerie at


Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Connecting with Churches Year-Round – Embrace Grace

Tracie Shellhouse, VP of Ministry Services at Heartbeat International and Amy Ford, President of Embrace Grace talk about staying connected to churches year-round. Find out what pregnancy help organizations have to offer churches, and how that continuous partnership can best serve women.

Embrace Grace has support groups in churches across the nation to serve women facing unexpected pregnancies. They equip churches with the curriculum to serve women and create strong families with a connection to the church.


Sponsored by: Heartbeat International’s Annual Conference – Click Here for More Info!


  • A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy may feel hesitant to connect with a church for fear of judgement.
  • Pregnancy centers can approach churches with something to offer rather than just asking for help financially, volunteers, etc.
  • Churches and centers can co-host events to serve women.
  • Pregnancy centers have a unique opportunity to invite women to local churches for continuing support and spiritual growth.
  • Making that initial connection with pastors could be as simple as bringing in lunch for a presentation to church staff or a short cookie reception to introduce the center and what you do.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 1

Welcome to our first Pregnancy Help News Brief! Managing Editor, Lisa Bourne, takes us through a highlight of the last month of news, tackling topics such as abortion in political parties, telehealth abortion, the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v FDA Supreme Court case, pre-abortion screenings, and prenatal diagnosis.

Visit to read full articles.

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Tackling the Turnaway Study – Monica Snyder

Monica Snyder, Executive Director of Secular Pro-Life joins Jor-El Godsey to explain what the Turnaway Study is, and what the findings actually reveal. This study gathered data on women who sought an abortion but were denied, and how these women felt about abortion over time.


Read “The Overlooked Findings of The Turnaway Study”


  • Abortion advocates have been using this study to promote abortion as a better option for women (citing questions asked about finances, bonding with baby, etc), but their claims are not fully supported by the data in the study.
  • The Turnaway Study revealed that 96% of women who were denied an abortion and later gave birth later said that they no longer wished they had sought abortion. The overwhelming majority of women bonded to their children just fine.


Sponsored by: Heartbeat Academy

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Reproductive Grief Care – Michaelene Fredenburg

Sara Dominguez, Affiliate Services Specialist at Heartbeat International interviews Michaelene Fredenburg, CEO and President of the Institute of Reproductive Grief Care about the importance of grief care training in pregnancy help organizations, and how centers implementing grief care programs can be a valuable resource for their community.


Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

The Changing Face of Abortion Today

Heartbeat’s President, Jor-El Godsey is joined by Christa Brown, Sr. Director of Medical Impact to discuss a recent white paper that was published by Heartbeat highlighting abortion trends since the overturn of Roe vs Wade. Increased availability to chemical abortion has brought a rise in coercion, violence, and a reduction of medical oversight. Listen in to find out what women are faced with today, and how your Pregnancy Help Organization can help.

Sponsored by: Abortion Pill Rescue Network
Visit for help, or to join the Network

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.

Women’s Sexual Wellness – Dr. Joe Malone

Beth Diemert is joined by Dr. Joe Malone to discuss the term “Women’s Sexual Wellness” and how this type of education speaks directly to young women in today’s culture. Dr. Joe explains the research behind this cutting-edge information and the life-changing effect it can have on the women we serve.


  • The results of the “hookup culture” have different affects on men vs women, and both are damaging to the way that bonding happens.
  • Terminology used in abstinence education over the years have changed as science has uncovered more about how sexual activity affects the brain.
  • Pregnancy centers have an opportunity to offer a positive approach to abstinence education that empowers women to make healthy choices based on scientific evidence to back up the Christian worldview of marriage.

Sponsored by Heartbeat Academy

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations.  The ideas, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement.  We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.