Deceptive Advertising Laws and PHOs

Pregnancy center marketing has been under attack for decades, but recent legislation in some states has made more aggressive advances towards silencing the voices of those who want to provide women with alternatives to abortion. Jor-El Godsey, Tracie Shellhouse, Andrea Trudden, and Danielle White discuss how these laws are deceptive and attempt to tell a false narrative of the work of pro-life pregnancy help.



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  • The First Amendment protects the speech of pregnancy help organizations. Historically, the courts have struck down legislation based on First Amendment prudence (laws were too vague, viewpoint discrimination, content discrimination, etc.)
  • This legislation is intended to cause confusion and fear so that pregnancy centers are scared into silence.
  • Training your staff on answering questions regarding your services is essential to providing quality care for your clients.
  • Be aware of the standards that social media advertising have that might limit how you advertise; these standards continue to change over time.
  • Disclaimers on your website can be helpful, but are not a legal requirement.
  • Be consistent in your messaging. Women need to know that pregnancy help exists. There’s nothing wrong with truthfully promoting your services!