Tools to Reach More Clients with a Message of Sexual Integrity

Beth Diemert introduces us to Dr. Joe Malone and Lori Kuykendall, who are experts in the field of sexual integrity and sexual wellness. In this episode, you’ll hear about the science behind relationship bonding, and how we can use this truth to help clients understand God’s plan for relationships and marriage.

Sponsor: Heartbeat Academy

Heartbeat International provides a forum to express a marketplace of ideas for an audience of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations and those who support such organizations. The ideas, views, and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and may or may not reflect advice, opinions, policies, or views of Heartbeat International, Inc. Presenters come from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, inside and outside of the Pregnancy Help Movement. We encourage listeners or viewers to do their own additional research and discern for themselves how to apply the materials presented.